Welcome To Our Unique Distance Learning & In Person Tuition Krav Maga Instructor Course Level 2
This advanced Level 2 course is for those who:
- Are passionate about teaching, training and learning
- Want to empower other people
- Are you looking add Krav Maga classes to your school
- Want to start your own academy / club
- Seeking ‘person-to-person’ tuition
- Looking for requalification
If this is your aim, the Level 2 course will further provide you with the coaching expertise and teaching methodologies behind the multi-award winning Spartans Academy of Krav Maga by giving you personalised support and help to reach your instructor goals.
Spartans Academy of Krav Maga creates passionate, skillful and knowledgeable instructors who have a deep understanding of the Krav Maga system and a heart for teaching students and a focus on serving the community they live in.
The Level 2 course will teach you to train and instruct on a wide range of Krav Maga self defence techniques and scenarios, as well as covering a number of critical topics relevant to effective self defence, both as a practitioner and an instructor.
The course will also give you access to personal support and upon a successful completion awards you an instructor certification through Spartans Academy of Krav Maga and Krav Maga United Kingdom.
- Krav Maga stances and correct way of moving
- Break falls
- Rolls
- Standing up from the floor
- Leg strikes
- Hand strikes
- Elbow strikes
- Head strikes
- Defend vs hand attacks
- Defend vs kicks
- Release from chokes
- Release from headlocks
- Release from wrist grabs
- Release from bearhugs
- Release from hair grabs
- Surviving a knife attack
- Surviving an impact weapon / stick / baseball attack
- How to deal with a variety of knife threats
- How to deal with a variety of handgun threats
- About violence
- About criminal behaviour
- How to structure your Krav Maga class / session
- How to teach
- How to give feedback
- Basic first AID
- How to deal with catastrophic wounds
- 100+ Tutorial videos
- 100+ Very useful Krav Maga articles across various self defence topics
- 10+ Assignments
- Quizzes to assess your knowledge
- 5 days in person training
- Instructor Certificate (with Spartans Academy and Krav Maga United Kingdom) on completion.
- Minimum age: 20
- Two years of Krav Maga training with a recommendation of the current Krav Maga Instructor OR;
- Four years in another martial art, such as boxing or kickboxing, with good punching and kicking skills.
- Reasonably fit and willing to sustain intensive training
- Good physical well-being and general fitness
- A clean criminal record
- The ability to fund the course in full
No. There is a single payment of £1500 which will give you access to the course straight away. There are no further charges for any future content added.
You can pay using PayPal or Stripe.
Yes, once enrolled, you will have 180 day to complete the course.
Yes! We offer guidance and support for all our members and customers. If you have any questions, you are welcome to get in touch at
Am trăit foarte mulți ani cu senzația vagă că o culoare închisă a unei centuri obținute practicând arte marțiale îmi va ține de cald și mă va proteja în situațiile limită.
Momentul zero și restartarea mea în ceea ce înseamnă autoapărare o datorez unui singur om și anume Gheorghe Husar. Alături de el am început pregătirea în Krav Maga în 2009 iar primul meu examen pentru poziția de instructor fiind anul 2013 Anglia. A fost cel mai greu examen din viața mea cu momente dificile în care vroiam să mă opresc și să renunț. A fost una din cele mai lungi zile din viața mea, iar datorită susținerii colegilor care mă impulsionau să nu renunț am reușit să închei examenul pentru instructor.
Am șansa să mă pregătesc și să reprezint un om de cea mai mare calitate profesională, un adevărat Expert în această artă a celui mai complex și real Sistem de Autoapărare, Krav Maga.
Recomand cu toată tăria și cea mai mare încredere Spartans Academy of Krav Maga prin mega Expertul în Krav Maga Gheorghe Husar.
Te antrenezi cu Gheorghe Husar?! Te antrenezi cu cel mai bun!!!…